Adobe Photoshop Color Tools RGB CMYK

Overview of color
Any color can be expressed in three basic colors (RGB), namely red, green, and blue. Way other color representations are in HSL mode namely Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. Another mode is CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). This chapter will discuss about the color game, starting from setting the background images, create gradients, adjust brightness & contrast, and many more tools which is interesting. In the next section, you can immediately practice with your help instructor.
Paint Bucket Tool
The Paint Bucket Tool is used to replace the background that has the same color or similar. The background can be replaced with a pattern.
Gradient Tool
Gradient tool is used to produce color gradations. Don't forget to make a selection first first which part will be filled with gradient colors. If not, then the entire canvas is filled with gradation.
Brush Tool
The Brush Tool is used as a brush in drawing with the mouse. Adjust the size of the brush, hardness, opacity, and flow. The Bush Tool can also work in Air Brush mode.
Brightness / Contrast
Brightness is used to adjust the brightness of the image. Contrast is used to set image sharpness. Use the menu Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness / Contrast.
Level functions similarly to Brightness / Contrast but is more flexible because colors can set dark color, medium color, and light color. Level can work on selection or the entire canvas. Use the menu Image -> Adjustments -> Levels.
Curves work like levels, but you set the RGB color as curves. Use menu Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. Curves can be auto set, RGB mode or adjustable individually for each color.
Color Balance
Through the menu Image -> Adjustments -> Color Balance we can adjust the color balance.
Photo Filter
Photo filters are used to provide filters to the image. Much like a filter placed in front of the camera lens. Use the menu Image -> Adjustments -> Photofilter.
Replace Color
Replace Color is used to replace a specific color in an image, while the color is others don't change. Use the menu Image -> Adjusments -> Replace Color.
Hue / Saturation
Hue / Saturation is used to change the color of the whole image / selection. Hue is color, while  Saturation is the thickness / thinness of the color. Use this tool via Image -> Adjustment -> Hue / Saturation. Color change can be set on the master channel, or individually
Match Color
Match Color will match the source image color to the image to be converted.
Mas.Singh Kami Arusha Desain merupakan penyedia jasa desain 3d interior exterior bangunan berbagai konsep beragam model. Kita menerima semua permintaan desain baik dari gambar 2d layoutplan, desain 3d, gambar kerja lengkap sampai pembuatan RAB. Cukup dengan kirim sketsa tangan denah berukuran, foto2 lokasi, konsep yang diinginkan akan kita tuangkan ke dalam gambar 3D.